What a splendid idea! This “Christmas” sounds fun…

What a splendid idea! This “Christmas” sounds fun…

Well, it seems we’re quite late with the Christmas wishes.. but we had a lot of things to do today (including baking cupcakes for Santa 😀 ).
So here it is: Dear readers, thank you for the wishes and Merry Christmas to you all !


jack skellington santa sack pictures, backgrounds and images

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  1. Laura Tenshi

    Should I wait for a Santa like him? It’s too scary, I would rather skip on Christmas gifts this year :))
    I kid, I kid.
    Merry Christmas Sandra and Eve, have a wonderful time with your family and friends.

  2. Laura Tenshi

    Nooooooooo, my precious :))
    Asta imi aduce aminte de episodul din American Dad cu Santa care i-a promis lui Stan ca vine in fiecare an de Craciun sa incerce sa-l omoare. O sa-l pazesc bine pe Tenshi.
    Let the games begin.
    Hugs, merry x-mas.

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