Painting the Roses Red

Painting the Roses Red

“A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. Alice thought this a very curious thing, and she went nearer to watch them…”

There is nothing more beautiful than a garden full of sweet-scented roses. I do feel that sometimes it is simply mandatory to take a nice stroll in the evening to recharge your batteries. Let’s face it, we all have hectic lives and tend to burn ourselves out from time to time. But what better way to unwind than a walk through a visual fairyland. So down the rabbit hole we go to Wonderland!

White lace dress
Red Rose
Raindrops on Roses
Summer dress
Melissa x Jean Paul Gaultier heeled sandals

Melissa x Jean Paul Gaultier heeled sandals, River Island dress
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  1. Anaivilo

    I am preparing a rose garden sort of post myself, haha, this coincidence is so funny! 😀
    But how can anyone pass down an opportunity to take dreamy photos with flowers, especially roses? They are gorgeous! And so are your photos and the dress ypou are wearing is suuuuper romantic and beautiful 😀

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