All Eyes On Me

All Eyes On Me

First of all, I’d like to clarify the fact that the title of this post was actually inspired by the name the dress I’m wearing was given on Fashiontribes. Ok, I admit it.. it was also a little bit influenced by the way I felt when I wore it. Seriously now, it’s not that often that I find a dress that fits so well, especially without trying it on. When I first saw it, I figured I needed it mainly because of its versatility (it’s black, it has long sleeves and can be worn in more that one way), but I didn’t actually imagine how well it would fit. I paired with some flats, my lurex tights and my cute new pom-pom bag for an easy-going look that’s perfect for the office. Well, the tights may be a bit too much for daytime, but I just couldn’t resist them. These pics were taken here, but we’re preparing some cute new posts with photos from our most recent trip to London, so stay tuned for those!

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Golden_hour_perfect_dress (5)Golden_hour_perfect_dress (7)
Golden_hour_perfect_dress (8)

Golden_hour_perfect_dress (9) După Eve, a venit și rândul meu să vă prezint ținuta aleasă de pe site-ul Când am intrat prima dată în magazinul online, am fost imediat atrasă de tribul non-conformist (no surprise there!), iar item-ul care mi-a captat atenția a fost această rochie-cardigan. E o piesă versatilă, cu o croială impecabilă și pot spune că m-a făcut, într-adevăr, să mă simt în centrul atenției.
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