Sturdza Castle at Miclăușeni

Sturdza Castle at Miclăușeni

I was set on visiting the Sturdza Castle at Miclăușeni ever since I’d hear of its existence (and saw photos), but never had I imagined how stunning it really is. The castle was built between 1880-1904 and it’s been on the historical monuments list since 2010. I was taken aback by the multitude of phenomenal neo-gothic details and I would have gladly spent an entire day just exploring it and its surroundings. It was the perfect ending to my city-break, during which I’ve also seen the Palace of Culture in Iași and Cuza’s Palace at Ruginoasa (unfortunately only from the outside, as they were both closed to visitors that weekend). If anything, this trip only opened my ‘appetite’ for getting to see as many of Romania’s castles and mansions as possible. I would definitely  recommend visiting it if you have the chance and I would definitely want to go back there sooner rather than later.

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I am wearing: Mohito velvet midi dress, Zara velvet kimono and lace-up flats

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  1. Anaivilo

    The place is stunning!! The photos are so dreamy, totally in my taste, my love for castles and mystery will never die. Oh and your dress is like a dream! Like a gothic dream rather 😉

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