Blueberry Mania

Blueberry Mania

I was  thrilled when I arrived home and my parents told me they’d bought fresh blueberries. I just adore blueberries. Of course, I like to eat them plain or put them in my yogurt, but this time I had to use them for something more elaborate. So I had two alternatives: blueberry muffins or blueberry pancakes … well not THAT elaborate, really. I finally decided to make pancakes (it was my first time). And they turned out yummy.
Hello Kitty loves blueberries, too.
I topped them with raspberry and strawberry jam, and a few fresh blueberries.
I know, the shape’s not perfect, but they tasted delicious.
Recipe from Joy of Baking ( I added a little cardamom in the batter, because it tastes great)
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  1. Ioana Liliana Gheorghe

    OMG Asta am facut si eu acum cateva zile. De fapt pe aproape, a fost French Toast in loc de pancakes. Si ceva similar am vazut si pe Mic Dejun de Bucuresti, mi se pare distractiv de vazut ca suntem toate setate pe blueberries 🙂


  2. The Hearabouts

    @ Ioana: I’m glad it’s blueberry season :D. Gotta get some more, to make other goodies, too!

    @ julia louise: I adore blueberry muffins (only made them with frozen berries until now, though).

    @ ARA: Ar trebui sa incerci :D. And show us the result 🙂

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