Picnic in the park

Picnic in the park

Yesterday was the perfect day for a picnic: warm and mostly sunny, although I was a little worried that it was going to rain. Thank you, weather people on TV!!. It didn’t actually get cloudy until later in the afternoon. Of course I had to take advantage of this occasion and snap a few photos. I also took my flower print shorts and my new plastic bag from H&M for a walk :P. And I baked some chocolate muffins. I must say they went perfect with the Coke (no, I’m not getting paid for Coca-Cola advertisements :P)










I’m wearing a pair of Stradivarius shorts, Forever21 overknee socks, Target shoes, New Yorker bag
H&M t-shirt/bracelet/transparent bag
Aw, and I almost forgot. Here is my first attempt at recreating Jamie Beck’s mesmerizing animated photographs, after staring at them for minutes on end:

I still have to figure out how to properly make them. But I’m getting there, slowly and steadily.
Gotta go now, I have to do my research on portraits for my photography class. Either that or work on my dissertation. Decisions, decisions…


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  1. kittenhood

    I have the same shorts, in brown. lovely.
    and just last night I was discussing these cute gifs and my need for them 🙂 unfortunately, I didn’t realize how they’re made so far 🙁 I like yours, though!

  2. Anaivilo

    Ok deci trebuie sa ma inveti si pe mine cum se fac fotografiile acelea in miscare! Sunt absolut geniale :D:D Si da, credeam si eu ca va ploua , dar pana la urma a fost o zi super 😀 Si cat de mult imi plac acei pantalonasi :X

  3. SoapyMermaid

    aussi ravissant que d’habitude. j’adore le contraste entre le côté un peu “champêtre” des fleurettes et de l’herbe et le côté plus urbain du sac transparent et de la canette de coke. 🙂

  4. Faboulista

    i love the shorts. i tried a similar pair last weekend but i didnt buy it just because i dont have the skinniest legs and the shorts were a bit too short hitting at the biggest part of my thighs. made me realize that i’m very out of shape for summer. well u dont have that problem. u look stunning in them!

  5. Iulia Romana

    Un intarziat 1 Mai Muncitoresc Fericit iti doresc :))
    Ador ♥ pantalonasii scurti, sunt foarte adorabili si pfaaaaaai, “geanta”, mai mult punga, de la H&M e dementiala. Desi nu as indica sa fie purtata cand ai aparatul foto / telefon / i-pod in ea. Tentatia mare :))

  6. Laura Tenshi

    OMG ! You look so pretty in the second picture and that gif you’ve made is so cool. I love the floral shorts, good thing you’ve got a chance to wear it while the weather was still ok. Last week was just awful, rain and low temperatures, depressing !
    Don’t worry about it, I know sometimes we can have hectic schedules, I totally understand.
    Hugsss ^ _ ^

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