Sweet mint

Sweet mint


Not much to say today. I’ve been enjoying my free time, reading, watching movies (like The Great Gatsby from 1974, with Mia Farrow and Robert Redford – I recommend it for the amazing clothes), taking pics and shopping, of course. Here I’m wearing a casual outfit, really comfy & appropriate for summer. I know it’s quite matchy-matchy but you all know how obsessed I am with this colour :P. I chose to wear the yellow flats to break the monotony. They’re from H&M and soso cute. The sunglasses are also from H&M, I got them at half price, on sale, and I really adore the shape and print.




Summer’s great, ‘ cause I can have messy hair and get away with it :))






I’m wearing a pair of pants bought at the AbFab Fair, H&M yellow flats, thrifted bag, H&M sunglasses, F21 ring. The sheer blouse is from Red Herring. If you like it asΒ much as we do stay tuned, because we have a surprise coming soon πŸ˜‰

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  1. Alice in vintageland

    Your outfit is perfect in every way, I love everything about it, the pants are amazing, I have to go to H&M and try to find those flats (adorable)and sunglasses.And the color, mint- so awesome, the shirt is truly beautiful and so are you!Kisses:)

  2. Carina G.

    i love the color of your outfit! πŸ™‚ very cool and refreshing color! πŸ™‚

    im following you now! hope you could visit my blog and follow back too! πŸ™‚ i would be very grateful. πŸ™‚ looking forward to more posts! πŸ™‚


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