This is the calm before the storm

This is the calm before the storm

Hello, hello, I’m back!

I know, I’ve been a horrible person for not posting anything in a while. Blame the lazy mood, bloody cold weather, boring exams…but that is all over now (well except for the weather i guess… Lady Spring if u can hear me please come earlier!).

Anyway, here’s some things I got online during my “exam days” :


love this ring from Asos. It is perfect perfect perfect and I am so happy I got it.
and of course got to spoil the inner child/HP fan


The Shoes (Asos) – so high but so comfy.


 And a little outfit post…to make up for the time we were apart 😀
Sorry for the extra layering but it was terribly cold.







Soundtrack: Enter Shikari – Destabilise
Reading : Rick Riordan – The Battle of the Labyrinth

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  1. Andreea

    Well dear, there are many people that don’t like her because of the way she looks.People who think she’s fat and that she should loose weight:| I don’t agree, i think she’s gorgeous this way! Everybody should embrace their body just like it is, i hate it when people starve or think there is one single type of beauty and that is beeing dead skinny:| I don’t have a problem with people who look like that because of their genes, it’s perfectly fine, everybody is beautiful in their own way but when you hurt yourself just so you can count your ribs…:|
    Ok, i’ll shut up now. I talk too much:))

  2. Laura Tenshi

    Welcome back Eve ! That ring is gorgeous and so is that Audrey jewelry box.
    I can’t believe those shoes are comfortable, their heels are pretty big. I guess style always come before comfort :))
    The floral print blouse and the rubber boots are so cute, you look lovely.

  3. Alice in vintageland

    I’m happy the exams are over and you’ll be able to update all the time now:)). I see you a went Asos crazy – I’m also guilty of that sin and wanted to order that ring but couldn’t find it in my size anymore. I love your outfit – too cute. Kisses:)

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