Autumn light

Autumn light

Every year I write a post in which I try my best to describe my long admiration for autumn. I don’t even know where to begin with the description of the visual beauty this season manages to provide. Although I know what to expect, every single year it surprises me in ways I never knew possible. The incredible shades of orange, yellow and red are simply breathtaking.

Nature does a pretty impressive job, if I may say so. Good job, Nature! But, what I find truly fascinating is the beautiful light that manages to put everything in such a magical perspective. It is quite funny how I usually run away from the sun, but in autumn I am longing for its warmth and brightness. And let’s be honest for a second here, Mr. Sun really knows how to put on a show. I mean, have you seen the sunsets lately?

Also, I was pretty impressed by the the fact that the light was picture perfect even at noon. A radiant glow was surrounding every leaf, enhancing even more the amazing shades.

So, here you go! My little ode to autumn! Hope you enjoy this photoshoot.

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