#Weekendaway with Bershka & a contest

#Weekendaway with Bershka & a contest

Hello everyone! We have returned from our weekend away with some cool photos and some great news! The nice people at Bershka came to us with a collaboration proposal for the launch of their new web look today, May 5th. Starting this May, Bershka.com becomes a 100% multichannel platform, which can be adapted to any device and lets you navigate intuitively from anywhere.Bershka_new _website.jpg_effected

Bershka.com is not only revamping its image but is adding features that will make shopping a true experience. Much more functional, easy and immediate, it allows to you make purchases from any page of the website and to buy as a guest. For the first time in the Inditex group, it lets you benefit from a new simplified registration system.

Their blog is also being revamped and it is taking on a leading role, turning its own content into another direct saleschannel, from a more editorial and lifestyle viewpoint. A network of international contributors will take charge of showing the brand’s collections through fashion editorials, interviews, trends and tips from stylists throughout the world so make sure to check it out starting this June.


Ro: Cu ocazia inaugurarii noului site, Bershka lanseaza un concurs pentru toti clientii sai, unde marele premiu este o excursie pentru doua persoane la New York. Celelalte premii sunt: un gift card in valoare de 1000€ si 30 de gift carduri in valoare de 100 € fiecare. Competita se desfasoara la nivel international, iar tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti este sa plasati o comanda online pe Bershka.com intre 5 si 12 mai. In plus, avem o surpriza pentru cititorii nostri: aplicati la checkout codul EXTRARO pana pe data de 18 mai si beneficiati de o reducere de 30%. Pana pe 12 mai aveti parte si de livrare gratuita. 

Speram ca v-au placut alegerile noastre si va invitam sa vizitati noul site Bershka, unde veti gasi o multitudine de piese fun&fresh pentru zilele de vara. Asteptam cu drag comentariile voastre cu privire la noul site, produsele care va plac si/sau tinutele propuse de noi.







En: And now it’s time for the surprise: for its new website inauguration, Bershka is launching a competition for all its customers, with the chance to win an exclusive trip for two to New York, 1 Giftcard of 1000€ and 30 gift cards of 100€. The competition is open internationally and to take part, you only need to buy something on Bershka.com between May 5 and 12. Enjoy the 20% discount only on the 5th of May and free shipping during the first week of the new web launching.

In the photos above, you can see our choices for a weekend getaway, but make sure to check out the site for more fun, fresh, boho items and outfit suggestions. We’d love to know your opinions on the new Bershka website, the products you like, our outfits, so feel free to leave us a comment below! Happy shopping everyone!

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    1. The Hearabouts

      Ne bucuram sa auzim asta, iti dorim sa ii porti cu multa placere. Si poate vei avea si norocul sa castigi excursia sau unul din vouchere ^_^

      The Hearabouts.

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