In the olive garden + an announcement

In the olive garden + an announcement

What could be more appropriate to wear in an olive tree garden than a pair of olive leaf print culottes? Of course, playing matchy matchy with nature was almost unintentional. I had packed this pair of culottes for my trip to Greece without actually realizing how well they’ll fit in the Mediterranean landscape (which by the way, blew my away once again –  I love having the mountains and the sea so close to each other). You can see more pics from the trip on my Insta and maybe I’ll also publish a “Postcards from Thassos” post soon, with more snapshots from my mini-vacation.

In_the_olive_tree_garden (2)

In_the_olive_tree_garden (3)

In_the_olive_tree_garden (4)

In_the_olive_tree_garden (5)

I’m wearing: Zara sweater&sneakers, Topshop culottes, Stradivarius backpack, H&M sunnies

In_the_olive_tree_garden (6)

 And now, it’s time for the announcement *drumroll*

Vă așteptăm maine, 9 mai, la Boutique Cliche – Fashion Bloggers’ Closet Sale, ce are loc între orele 11-19  la Lokal (str. Mihai Eminescu, nr.57). Suntem nerăbăatoare să vă cunoaștem și vă vom întampina cu multe surprize. Avem bunătați și haine faine, noi și pre-loved, de la branduri precum: H&M, Topshop, Asos, COS ș.a. cu măsuri între 34 și 40. Vă promitem că va fi super fun!


sig se

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  1. Oteea

    I’m so loving the mood of this shoot, the outfit as well, actually your posts get dreamier and dreamier and although I can’t seem to find the time to comment on all of them, I always read and love and appreciate what you girls do ^_^

    Have fun this weekend, wish I could be there! Huuugs!

    1. The Hearabouts

      Thank you soso much for your appreciation! We really wish you could be here, too. Maybe you’ll have time to come visit this summer 😉

      Lots of hugs back!

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