Pastel Hair

Pastel Hair

I don’t know about you, but I’m really enjoying this cotton candy hair trend, that’s been present all spring and summer and it appears  it’s going to last for at least one more season. Even I had my hair tips colored pink back in May. Speaking of it, I just came across these pics of Gwyneth Tang @ PFW.

Isn’t she just amazing?

Sources:  1- Hanneli ; 2- Caroline
Me this spring :


Okay, my colours were a bit too vivid, not exactly pastel :P, but I’m afraid to bleach my hair.
Photo by Vlad.
P.S: At the moment I am camera-less, so I won’t be able to take pictures myself for a while, but I’ll try to post older pictures and hopefully arrange for someone to take outfit pics of me. It sure is difficult not having a camera, but I’ll try to cope with the situation. So please bare with me a couple more weeks.
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  1. Adeline

    Not you too ;( Last night i was dreaming about my awesome (future) blue tips.But i remembered i have short shoooooort hair.And now i have to wait a year(or more)to get my tips done ;(

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand what happened to your camera?:

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